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Saved by Peter Ramberg
on August 27, 2008 at 2:52:55 pm

Welcome to NASC 401, History of Science to 1700

Truman State University


Course Overview


This course covers the history of science from ancient  Greece until Isaac Newton. Topics include:


  • The emergence of natural philosophy in ancient Greece.

  • The transmission of the Greek intellectual heritage to the Islamic and Latin worlds

  • The reemergence of the scholarly tradition in Western Europe.

  • Renaissance Science and the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century.

  • Newton's physics and his interest in Alchemy.


Why this Wiki?


This is a test project for using a wiki as a collaborative learning tool. It's a high-tech variant of class participation/discussion where the course goal is to create documents that are created by everyone in the class. Don't worry--there's no way you can break anything. If you want, play for a while in the sandbox to see how you can create content.


Course Documents


NASC 401 Class Notes

Exam 1 Group Essay Question


All other documents are located on the U: drive.

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